Bin picking cell 24/7 reliability test
We conducted extensive testing so you can rely day and night on uninterrupted operation with the Billet picker. For half a year, we were emptying thousands of bins with a broad range of billets, pushing reliability to the edge of what’s possible in bin picking. We completed endurance tests for hardware and full ambient lighting condition testing for the vision part. We developed a vision engine to meet this application's needs and optimized configuration to the bare minimum.
All the components and software work seamlessly together, so you can genuinely yield the benefits of robotic handling in your facility.
Works with your robot
Pickit integrates with major industrial and collaborative robot brands. You can also integrate a robot by yourself – we provide all the necessary information for integrating a new robot brand into Pickit.
Get expert advice on your application
Tell us where you plan to pick from, what kind of parts, and get recommendations on the best-fit Pickit products for your application.