Is your assembly agile enough for varying products?

Assemble products more flexibly, reliably and cost-efficiently with 3D robot vision

  • How your assembly process benefits from 3D robot vision

    • Manufacture smarter with reliable 3D robot vision assembly capable of handling objects of different sizes in unfixed positions
    • Flexibly, rapidly and cost-efficiently switch to new processes and products without major interventions typical for static robot fixtures
    • Optimize your production line footprint
    • Reduce costs and downtime resulting from complex production adjustments and maintenance

  • Interested? What we can offer you:

    • Probably the most user-friendly and cost-effective 3D vision solution for assembly tasks, based on globally proven technology and use cases.
    • Easy to install, low-maintenance solution that can be seamlessly integrated with your new or existing robot.
    • Custom assembly engines combined with state-of-the-art camera hardware and lifecycle services.

    Check some of our assembly cases

Discover the 3D Vision Platform

What we offer

Get in touch

Want to make your assembly line agile for varying products? Find out about the benefits a 3D vision solution from Pickt3D can bring to your process.

Contact us by filling out the form.