Picking boxes with UR cobot
The logistics industry doesn’t sleep and deals with an infinite amount of item variation. Our small box picker was moving about 30 different types of boxes over the weekend while we left the office, and in fact, we did sleep well. This is the first 38 hours recording of uninterrupted operation.
Picking solutions for logistics are all about item variation (you don’t want to have to teach all different items) while in manufacturing it is about placement accuracy (it is perfectly fine to have to teach a part to obtain a controlled placement). We understand the differences in requirements well and have solutions for both types of industry.
Kompatibel mit Ihrem Roboter
Pickit lässt sich in die wichtigsten Marken für industrielle und kooperierende Roboter integrieren. Sie können auch selbst einen Roboter integrieren – wir stellen Ihnen alle notwendigen Informationen zur Integration einer neuen Robotermarke in Pickit zur Verfügung.
Holen Sie sich Expertenrat für Ihre Anwendung
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