Robotic bin picking in pharmacy
The video shows how Apostore used the Pickit vision system to automate the pick and place of medication packs with 98% accuracy. The 3D vision system helps to pick over 400 packs per hour, each up to 500g. The complete cell including the automatic box changer and the scanning process can cooperate with machines and people, and takes two days to set up. This innovative approach will help you spend more time with your customers and their needs, thus improving process quality and avoiding any potential human mistakes.
Kompatibel mit Ihrem Roboter
Pickit lässt sich in die wichtigsten Marken für industrielle und kooperierende Roboter integrieren. Sie können auch selbst einen Roboter integrieren – wir stellen Ihnen alle notwendigen Informationen zur Integration einer neuen Robotermarke in Pickit zur Verfügung.
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